Monday 25 April 2011


Hey, here is my entry for task one...

Why do I love my country?

I have lived in many countries over the years and have grown to love all of them, though I will never be able to love any country as much as my homeland, Sweden.
I love everything about Sweden, and could write 10 pages, though to narrow it down, these are the things I love the most…
I love the fact that it goes so quickly from countryside to city. I live quite far out in the country side, some people even further though it still only takes not even thirty minutes to get into the depth of the city, with all the unusual hustle and bustle which you do not get to experience in the countryside. I also love the way there are so many long beautiful beaches. I am one of those fortunate few that get to experience the life of being able to cycle down or even walk down the street and walk straight onto the beach. I can't think of a better feeling, when in the summer you walk down the road, up onto the beach and charge straight into the cool water. The part of Sweden I live in is in the south, and the 'village' as most people call it where I live is small, and as of that, you get to know everyone. I love being able to walk around the supermarket and being able to stop and talk to so many people. Not to mention, everyone is so friendly. Another great thing I love about my country is the fact that it's big, but not too big. Also, every part of Sweden has a different culture. It's great being able to only have to drive for a few hours and get to a place where everything is so much different than your hometown.
As I said before, I could write pages about why I love my country, though those are some of the things that really stand out for me.

My username on stardoll is winniegirl123. Thank you for picking me. :)



  1. I do't know much about Sweden, but this gave a quick few points on the best bits. I think I should like to visit now...
